The first evaluation will determine eye teaming ability, eye alignment, focusing ability, and tracking ability. After evaluations, Dr. Ryan develops a detailed report to determine levels of proficiency in each visual category. He will review the report with you in detail, then develop a plan and projection for treatment. This visit usually lasts one hour.

    The second evaluation, called a Skills Assessment, consists of visual information processing testing. We test several skills to develop a customized vision therapy program. This visit usually lasts 30 minutes.

    The third visit is considered a consultation, and does not require the child to be present. Our team will help you navigate insurance, explain financial options, discuss our clinical policies, answer any questions, and develop a plan to help the patient meet age-appropriate levels in all visual skills. You are now ready to schedule vision therapy in our office!


    Vision therapy requires a large time commitment on the part of our patients and/or parents. Each unit of vision therapy is 10 weeks long. Therapy is typically conducted in-office once per week for 30 minutes. The patient is also assigned about 20 minutes of homework per day, which varies weekly in the form of computer homework, worksheets, and/or specialized optometric vision therapy equipment. Each visit will include direct care and/or assessment from one of our doctors.


    After each ten-week unit, Dr. Ryan will assess to determine progress. Testing usually begins one week after completion of the unit, and includes the same three visits associated with the initial evaluation. When the report has been generated, you will meet again with Dr. Ryan to discuss successes and need(s) for further improvement.

    The patient will take a break from homework and therapy, typically for 2-3 months. If more therapy is needed, we will begin the process again after the break. If results of the first unit show significant improvement to age-appropriate levels, it's time for graduation!


    We are proud of our patients and the hard work they put in to achieve their goals in vision therapy. Our vision therapy schedule is designed to minimize the length of time they spend in the program, and to minimize the financial impact of costly therapy services. Vision therapy changes lives, and we can't wait to help change the life of your loved one.