Don't take our word for it. Hear from our amazing patients:



    “Lumen Vision provided my son with vision therapy to attempt to correct his lazy eye. I was excited to have a non-surgical option. Although it was a huge time commitment due to travel, I saw improvement with his vision. He was able to start reading better and not getting so many headaches. I would recommend Lumen Vision to all my friends and family who had concerns about a lazy eye. The staffing and doctor here are incredible!”

  • ARLO, AGE 9

    “Vision therapy has improved my reading. I feel more confident. I feel proud of myself.”


    “I have witnessed Arlo working hard for 10 weeks and began to enjoy reading and school more. Vison therapy has made Arlo enjoy learning more because he isn’t anxious about reading.

    Thank you, Lumen Vision!”

  • NOAH, AGE 6

    “My eyes feel better and they are not as tired.”


    “Our son has had such a positive experience at Lumen Vision. Dr. Ryan and all the staff are so friendly, and the vision therapy sessions were fun and engaging. Most importantly though, we’ve seen a big improvement in our son’s vision. He’s no longer getting headaches, his eye turn is almost completely gone, and he’s less frustrated and irritable at the end of the day. We’re so grateful to the team at Lumen for setting our son up for success!”


    "I like the game, Blanko, the best. I can see clear out of my right eye!”


    “Lumen Vision has truly helped Jennalee with her vision! Talking with her schoolteacher she has noticed her improvements! She no longer reads with her head tilted to one side. She really enjoys reading now, more than ever. Thank you, Lumen Vision, for the cheerful and professional service.”

  • SILAS, AGE 7

    “My name is Silas, and I am 7 years old. The things I loved about vision therapy are: The computer games I got to play, the funny doctor and always getting a prize when I would come to my appointment. Vision therapy is changing my life by helping me be able to read better. Thank you to all the nice therapists and the doctor.”


    “Hello, I am the mom of Silas. Silas is 7 years old. From the minute we walked into Lumen Vision we felt welcomed. The receptionists were so friendly and helpful. While meeting with Dr. Ryan my son was laughing and asking all sorts of questions. When we were all done with our initial assessment my son asked when we could go back. Vision therapy has changed our life in so many positive aspects. My son can read better, follow with his eyes while reading and has just improved his overall strength in his eyes. As apparent, I could not be happier with Lumen vision and vision therapy. Sincerely, a happy parent.”

  • RYKER, AGE 7

    “Vision Therapy has helped me graduate occupational therapy. It is fun and I like the paperwork. It helped me read better and I loved the games. Vision Therapy has helped me with ninja and rock climbing because I can see better now.”


    “Over the last ten weeks, we have seen huge impacts on both of our children due to their time at Lumen Vision. One of the most noticeable changes is in their academics. Handwriting and reading have both seen improved performance, which in turn has boosted their confidence. During our time at Lumen Vision, we have had a child graduate form Occupational Therapy, and another from low reading fluency, to on track with their peers. Finally, vision therapy didn’t only improve their academics, but also their hand-eye coordination, and we have seen better performance in athletics, physical education, and even virtual games where they can better track fast moving objects. Overall, we would highly recommend Lumen Vision to everyone, and getting screened is easy yet can change one’ life.”


    “I learned how important vision is for everyday life. It is important to wear my glasses and do my vision homework.”


    “Tucker has shown us that he has a strong work ethic and understands the importance of having good eyesight. He has worked hard to improve his vision the past 10 weeks. The staff at Lumen have been encouraging and great to work with.

    We hop that his hard work has resulted in measurable improvements in his sight, especially his depth perception.

    We are proud of Tucker!”


    "Not that my eye contact has really changed, but I have gotten better at looking different directions with my eyes. It’s making my eyes better at tracking. I learned how to use the virtual reality headset. I learned how to make my eyes see something from electronic. I learned how to make hard decisions.”


    “How is Vision Therapy changing my life?

    We have noticed since Octavia began Vision Therapy that she has become more careful with reading and has improved accuracy.

    We were also impressed with her ability to find hidden shapes when doing the online portion of the at home exercises. There were multiple instances where Octavia could see things that us parents couldn’t fine. I think vision therapy has trained Octavia’s eyes in a sense. She is more carful and precise with her reading and writing, although her handwriting is still improving! I think Vision Therapy has given Octavia the confidence to use her eyes to their full potential. In school, her reading scores do not match her comprehension scores, leading me to believe that she understands the material in general but tends to skip or miss words when reading aloud. Vision Therapy seems to be training her to slow down a bit and consider everything on the page. I’m hopeful Vision Therapy will be a foundation for her future vision and academic success., Thank you all for the wonderful opportunity.”

  • ELLIS, AGE 8

    “Vision therapy has made me smart. The games were fun to play. It helped my eyes work better.”


    “Vison therapy has been a journey for our child, bringing significant improvements in her life. This program has not only addressed her vision problems but also boosted her confidence, academic performance, and overall well-being.

    Before starting vision therapy, our daughter struggled with several visual issue, including poor eye tracking and difficulty focusing. These challenges made reading and other tasks particularly difficult. Over time, our child’s ability to track words on a page and maintain focus improved dramatically. Reading has become less of a chore, and she is now exited to read (multiple) books before bed.

    We are excited to see the impacts of vison therapy on her academic performance as this year progresses. Previously, she often struggled in class where reading and writing was required. She would sit quietly while others worked on their assignment. This school year we hope that an increase in her visual processing speed will lead to better understanding of the material and increased confidence.

    Another benefits of vison therapy include a boost in self-esteem, improved hand-eye coordination and depth perception, and less fatigue. Our daughter will be playing lacrosse this fall alongside her tow sisters. We look forward to watching them all enjoy the same sport on the same field. The vision therapy program will no doubt have an impact on her ability to learn, play, and succeed alongside her peers.

    Vision therapy has not only addressed the visual challenges our daughter was having but also provided improvements in academic performance, confidence, social skills, and physical activities. The vision therapy program highlights the importance of specialized interventions in unlocking a child’s full potential and enhancing quality of life.”


    “My name is Christian, and I am ten years old. It has helped me with reading. Vision therapy helps me with reading from line to line.”


    “My name is Danni, and I am the mother of Christian, a ten year old client at Lumen Vision. Before starting vision therapy, I heard wonderful reviews from colleagues and acquaintances. They told me all wonderful things and how it impacted their lives. Christian struggles in school especially with reading and writing. They are his least favorite subjects and often would argue about completing his reading homework for the evening. Christian no longer argues about reading and it seems to be easier for him to find his place. It seems like his fluency has improved and is able to sound out words more easily. He enjoys reading certain books now and doesn’t find it is so mentally taxing for him as he doesn’t complain of eye strain or headaches. It has made a positive impact on his life and even wants to continue some of the games he played during vision therapy. I am so happy we had access to this service!”


    “When I log into Our Visual Brain, I get to do vision therapy play games I have not played before and to use devices I have not used before. I liked working on connecting the dots puzzles and decoding Marvel Messages.”


    “What Vision Therapy has meant to our family:

    LLewie age 8 began vision therapy in the fall of 2024. At first, we struggled to get a rhythm and to be able to find a space and technology for LLewie to complete the required homework that came with vision therapy. His three brothers soon found a rhythm and LLewie worked on his vision therapy while we cooked supper after school, and then after he was ready for bed he worked on therapy as the others read and did homework. The tablet that we were able to rent from Lumen Vision also helped so that he would have dedicated electronics to be able to work with. It was also helpful that the games and activities that were part of the homework were familiar to LLewie and he enjoyed working on them.

    Thank you, Lumen Vision, for being part of our lives for these past few months!”


    “Vision therapy at Lumen helps my eyes work better to read and play football.”


    “Our son, Clayton, is an energetic 8 year old boy who loves everything farming and football, recently completed his first round of vision therapy. We were referred to Lumen Vision by our eye doctor and were so impressed with Dr. Ryan and all his staff. Our son completed 10 weeks of vision therapy which was programmed based on his needs, diagnosis, and where the greatest needs were. The therapists made each session fun and rewarding for him and cheered him on for working hard, our homework in between session fun and rewarding for him and cheered him on for working hard. Our homework in between sessions was geared towards kids, and specifically towards my son. Clayton has shown lots of growth in his handwriting, self-confidence in reading, and can see the football so much better during practice he says. Vision therapy has enhanced his life, in so many ways, and has given him a boost for trying harder at all the things in school, and sports.”

  • AUTUMN, AGE 11

    "I don’t get headaches a lot and focusing is better.”


    "How is Vision Therapy Changing my life?

    Vision therapy is changing my daughter Autumn, age 11, in a big way. After starting the therapy plan set up for her, I noticed how much of a vision problem she had. Also explained why she was getting fatigued, nausea, and headaches, because after her first couple therapy session she came home completely worn out but as time went by, the better she was getting with the symptoms mentioned above. By the end of it, the symptoms disappeared or are very minimal that it doesn’t affect her.

    I would like to thank you for everything and helping my daughter and her future.”

  • SADIE, AGE 9

    “I started vison therapy a few weeks ago, and it’s helping me in so many ways! Every week, I go to an appointment where I do special exercises with my therapist. Then I have homework to do at home. Some of my homework is on a website called “Our Visual Brain”, where I play fun games that help me eyes and brain work better together. The games are cool because they’re kind of like puzzles, and I feel like I get better at them each time I play.

    Besides the games, I also have other activities to do. Some of these are things like looking at near-far charts, which means I look form something close to something far away to help me eyes focus better. I also do word searches, practice wit coordinates, and read. These exercises are helping me get faster at reading, and I don’t lose my place as much anymore. Vision therapy is making school and other things easier for me, and I feel proud of what I can do now!”


    “How Vision Therapy is Changing My Life

    When my daughter, Sadie (age 9), began vision therapy, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. I had heard stories about how it could help with things like focus, reading speed, and even coordination, but I wasn’t sure if it would work for her or how quickly we’d see results. Now that we’re finishing up her 10-week program, I am amazed at the progress she’s making and the positive impact it’s having on her life.

    Sadie has weekly in-house appointments, where her therapist guides her through exercises to strengthen her visual skills. Beyond these appointments, she has homework assignments that she completes throughout the week. These assignments are varied and keep her engaged in different ways. Some activities are online and game-based, run through a platform called “Our Visual Brain”. These games are interactive, making it fun for her to focus on task like tracking objects, identifying patterns, and improving her reaction time. The online platform has been wonderful because it turns exercises into challenges that she looks forward to.

    The offline activities are just as beneficial. Each week, Sadie practices with a variety of near-far charts, coordinates, word searches, reading, and more. At first, these tasks were challenging for her, especially when switching between close-up and far-away tasks on the near-far chart. But with regular practice, she’s become faster and more confident.

    The changes aren’t just academic. I see my daughter’s confidence growing with each new skill she masters. Vision therapy has taught her persistence, and she’s learning the importance of working toward a goal, even when it takes time and effort. These skills benefit her in daily life.

    Through this experience, I’ve come to realize how important vision therapy can be for children who struggle with task that many of us take for granted. Vision therapy doesn’t just help children see better, it helps them process what they see more efficiently, which can positively impact their learning and confidence. I’m grateful for the tools it’s given Sadie to succeed.”


    “Vision therapy has helped me with hockey. Vision therapy has helped me see better then before. Vision therapy has helped me get less tired than before. Vision therapy is fun because I get to play super fun games.”


    “Vision therapy has helped Hunter by helping his eyes work together and use less energy. We have seen an improvement in his energy levels and hand-eye coordination in hockey, his ability to see farther and with more dimension in day-to-day activities. He has shown an improvement in school with his reading and his overall attitude has improved from being less tired and frustrated with his vision. Overall, his eyes working together now has straightened his eyes out whereas before both eyes would wear out constantly. He had a lot of fun with all the games provided to make the training smoother. And every therapist he worked with was so kind to him and to us parents! We are so glad Lumen Vision was able to help us by helping his vision!”

  • LUCAS, AGE 6

    “It is easy when I look at the words. Reading used to be hard but now it’s not. It is easier to catch the ball now.”


    “Since starting vision therapy, he has shown improvements and confidence in his ability to read, write, and catch a ball. Although improved, these are still challenges, but we are hopeful we can work on these now without vision being a stumbling block.

    He has worked incredibly hard and at times got frustrated with exercises, but also has been very proud of himself that he has been able to complete these tasks. He has applied his new skills to being able to read a story, a sign something on TV, or instructions when playing games.

    He has also been excited when seeing the providers at his vision appointments due to the progress he feels he has made.

    We thank you for all your help!”

  • WESLEY, AGE 12

    “What I like about Lumen Vision: It helped me with my eyes. It was very fun playing games on the computer and board games. Lumen Vision has made my life better because it has helped me with basketball. My eyes have been really productive with working together. I think being there was very fun and the people there were kind and nice.”


    “Lumen Vision has been a great experience for us. The therapy itself shows in the results but the positive experience is due to the people who work within the building. All the employees are always so kind, take the time to explain the semantics of the program, financials, the homework and how the sessions went. They all truly look like they enjoy being at work, which is so refreshing and makes for such a positive environment.

    My son being in middle school can be a tough nut to crack but there were always jokes, lots of positivity and while he maybe didn’t always show it, he always enjoyed coming to therapy . The energy was always on point.

    The incentive of the scholarship program, that was huge for him and really helped with the commitment to the homework sessions. The ability to relate to him at what level he was age wise, and his interests really stands out to me. The first day he wore a basketball jersey - ok most days he wore a basketball jersey, or a golf hat. The first interaction Dr. Ryan noticed his hat, commented on it, and immediately my son was in. Dr. Ryan showed interest in him and what he had a love for, that makes a big difference for a kid. Sports is his passion so when he was told that pro athletes use similar training to increase their speed and hand eye coordination – again he was in.

    There are just a lot of little things that each individual within the company did that made our experience great. We are thankful for the opportunity we had to with everyone at Lumen.”


    "Vision therapy is helping me read because now I can track the lines in my books and assignments better. I am able to see the whiteboard better in my classroom. I really liked doing the VT and the games. Thank you, Dr Ryan and staff, for helping me!”


    “Vision Therapy has been life changing for Collin. We have seen improvements in his reading ability and his confidence in reading aloud has skyrocketed. The staff at Lumen Vison are wonderful and the home therapy assignments, while not always easy, were kid friendly.”


    “My name is Brayden, and I am 10 years old. When my mom told me about vison therapy, I thought they wouldn’t do what they did. I thought they would just give me glasses and check the insides of my eyes. When I went and met Dr. Ryan, I knew this was better than I thought. Dr. Ryan was funny, kind, and liked to joke around with me. He made it fun. After he explained vision therapy to me, I thought it would be really hard. At the beginning it was hard, but the games were fun, and it got easier and easier as time went on. All the people that you get to work with for vision therapy are nice and funny. They also liked baseball so that made me happy. As I have been doing vision therapy, my eyes aren’t as tired as they used to be. I feel like they can focus faster and better. I am glad that I got to do vision therapy. I really liked it.”


    “As an elementary school teacher, I have heard many parents in more recent years talk about taking their kids to vison therapy. I assumed that it was just strictly for typical vision concerns and didn’t learn much about it. More recently, I had a student who completed vision therapy and I began to realize the educational impact that it can have on a student’s academic successes. This caught my interest, and I began to do my research. After learning, I knew that this was something we needed to try for my 10-year-old son.

    After asking around and getting recommendations, Lumen Vision was by far at the top of my list. I knew that if he was going to be willing to try this process, Dr. Ryan was the guy to make it happen, From our first visit, we knew we had made the right choice. The staff were friendly and kind and made him feel important at every appointment. The homework he was assigned never felt to him as homework but as fun activities that “probably won’t work, mom”. He was quickly proven wrong as he began to notice his eyes straining less and less when doing various tasks in his everyday life.

    I am so glad that I made the decision to give vision therapy a try. It has helped our son significantly. He also has learned that the eye doctor is a safe place and somewhere he enjoys going. This will be something that will set up a lifetime of a healthy relationship with making sure his eyes are always doing what they should.

    Thanks Lumen Vision!”


    “I really had fun with the interactive parts of vision therapy! I really enjoyed the virtual reality part, I was excited to come to therapy!”


    “We really appreciated all the staff at Lumen Vision. Everyone was easy to work with and helpful with the treatment plan. The office building is inviting and bright for the kids to play with while they wait. It is also nice to be able to purchase your glasses at the office and not have to shop elsewhere. We got our kiddo to start wearing his glasses all the time which was such a right before therapy! It was a good experience overall!”